Channel: Mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
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I know just what you're saying.

The Emmy's weren't all that exciting. Modern Family and Homeland kind of swept the floor with everyone.

zooeydeschanel tinafey
Zoey Deschanel
I love her dress! It's so princess-y and nothing like what she usually wears. She said she wanted something to match her eyes, and it's beautiful. I personally would have liked it better with less cleavage, but hey, that's just my opinion. I like how all the tulle has this shredded look, it's kind of a modern twist on a classic ballgown.

Tina Fey
This is the best she's looked on the red carpet! And she's not wearing black! I really like the scoop neck, it's just right.

sofievergara2 sofievergara sarahpaulson
Sofia Vergara
Only she could do this. She looks like a mermaid. I like the color on her and I like the shimmer. I do not like the cut outs and the straps. I think it would have looked better without those awkward straps and the cut out on the chest.

Sarah Paulson
I like her as a brunette. The dress is a very pretty color and I really like the embellishments over the gown. I'm not so sure about the shear material though. I don't really get the trend of the shear cloth draped over the nude material. At least I hope that's a nude material, otherwise it's just inappropriate.

sarahhyland padmalakshmi michelledockery
Sarah Hyland
I love the color! I like the crisscross ruching across the bust, very pretty. The embellishments at the shoulders are fabulous. I think the hemline should have been just a bit longer. It looks weird that you see just a tiny bit of shoes; all or nothing, I ssy.

Padma Lakshmi
The color is gorgeous on her! She could have done a little something more with her hair and makeup. I love the knot at the thigh and how the mermaid skirt just flows out from there.

Michelle Dockery
I like the style of this dress; the solid color with the black netting up to the neck. I don't this this dress fits her very well.

melissarauch melisaamccarthy lesliemann
Melissa Rauch
I like the gathering at the waist and the way this dress flows. I love the color, you don't see much true green on the red carpet.

Melissa McCarthey
I was disappointed with this. Long sleeves and black; just plain and boring.

Leslie Mann
I love this! It's such a fun look! I love how full the skirt is and how delicate the top is; it's like a perfect little match that shouldn't match at all. And I love her turquoise accessories with the orange skirt!

kriswtenwigg kiernanshipka kerrywashington
Kristin Wigg
I love how the solid color dress is shorter and smaller than the shear top dress. It's very interesting to look at, and I think it's very pretty.

Kiernan Shipka
She looks very cute. The silver shiny material is very Cinderella. I love tea-length dresses, the especially look very nice on young girls.

Kerry Washington
This is a terrible picture, her posture is very awkward. The dress doesn't come across well in the photo, but it was pretty on the red carpet. The scoop neck was very nice.

katdennings2 katdennings juliebowen
Kat Dennings
She looks great; the color, the lips, the hair. It's all working for her. The dress fits her enormous chest well without being too much. I love the gold chain in her hair.

Julie Bowen
An interesting color, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I love the little gathering at the knee detail, it looks great.

juliannemoore juliannamargulies
Julianne Moore
I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand, I really like it. The full length of the gown and the long sleeves and the high neckline, I think that looks great. I just don't know how well it fits her. Her boobs look weird to me. I don't like the band across the stomach or how it looks like a different material on the chest.

Julianna Margulies
I think there's too much material on that dress...with that print, less is more. She doesn't look as severe as she usually does. I'm proud of her for taking a risk.

juliannehough2 juliannehough
Julianne Hough
I don't like this dress, I don't like the bust or the - I don't even know what those are on the mermaid tail. She's wearing way too much makeup, she looks terribles. I do really like her hair though.

jenamalone2 jenamalone januaryjones
Jena Malone
I don't like her dress, I just think it looks weird. I do like the color though, and her shoes are amazing.

January Jones
I like the crisscrossing throughout the top. I like the structure of the skirt, but I don't like that it's so shear. I think it would be prettier if the skirt was longer.

hewidiklumr haydenpanettiere2 haydenpanettiere
Heidi Klum
I like the color on her and the super high slit. Again, with the shear material, why is this so popular? She looks naked. Then againg maybe that's the reason for it's popularity. I don't like the matchy-matchy earrings.

Hayden Panettiere
This is pretty, those colors like fabulous together. I do think there is too much fabric, maybe just chop that train off.

hannahsimone emilyvancamp emilyvancamp2
Hannah Simone
OMG! This shear fabric will be the death of me. This dress does not look good. The one shoulder looks awkward, and the bust line looks weird. It looks like the material is detailed in a swirl and at the center of that swirl, her nipple!

Emily Vancamp
I like the sleeves, but not the netting across the neck. The gray and the white just makes it look dirty. The bracelet is amazing!

ginnifergoodwin2 ginnifergoodwin
Ginnifer Goodwin
This dress look very much like her. There isn't anything I like about it. The shoes are a bit of a different story. I like the design of the shoe, just the tips get that color. I don't like the velvet on the shoe.

elizabethmoss clairedanes christinahendricks
Elizabeth Moss
This dress is just yucky. The mullet, or whatever you want to call it, is weird. Especially seeing it move. It just kind of bounced behind her.

Claire Danes
This is just so boring. Like a burlap sack with a belt looped around.

Christina Hendricks
I like the opposing ruching on the waist and the chest, but I don't like the belt. It feels a little too casual. I don't like the train and all the extra material on the skirt. I really like the color, I'm just not so sure about the color on her.

ashleyjudd2 ashleyjudd
Ashley Judd
I think Ashley Judd has lost her mind.

arielwinter2 arielwinter alisonwilson
Ariel Winter
I like the print and the look on top. The high neckline and the cut out on the back. I like the shiny snake skin pattern. I hate the train.

Allison Wilson
I like the crumbcatcher bust and the skirt details at the waist. It's a flattering silhouette.

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