30 day film challenge
Day 08: A movie that you’ve seen countless times
10 Things I Hate About You. We used to watch this like every day. We watched it hundreds of times before we lost the tape. My sister bought the dvd to replace it, but that was moved from player to player so many times, we lost that too. Then I bought the dvd to replace that one and now it’s missing.
20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 08: What was the first episode of Gilmore Girls you saw?
'Concert Interruptus'. Seeing the Chilton girls in the Gilmore world, and having to deal with the wrath of Lorelai, is just intriguing to me. I wore out my dvd from watching it so much.
15 days of crushes
Day 08: Singer Crush
In 2008 I fell in love. I met him through America voted to keep Clay Aiken on American Idol as their wildcard choice. Clay has the greatest voice ever. In fact, he is the only artist that I can not sing along with because if I were to sing I wouldn’t be able to hear him.
Day 08: A movie that you’ve seen countless times
10 Things I Hate About You. We used to watch this like every day. We watched it hundreds of times before we lost the tape. My sister bought the dvd to replace it, but that was moved from player to player so many times, we lost that too. Then I bought the dvd to replace that one and now it’s missing.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 08: What was the first episode of Gilmore Girls you saw?
'Concert Interruptus'. Seeing the Chilton girls in the Gilmore world, and having to deal with the wrath of Lorelai, is just intriguing to me. I wore out my dvd from watching it so much.

15 days of crushes
Day 08: Singer Crush
In 2008 I fell in love. I met him through America voted to keep Clay Aiken on American Idol as their wildcard choice. Clay has the greatest voice ever. In fact, he is the only artist that I can not sing along with because if I were to sing I wouldn’t be able to hear him.