30 day film challenge
Day 20: The funniest film you’ve ever seen
That is a super difficult question. I don't really watch that many comedies. I have a more sarcastic, dry, witty scense of humore. I don't think fat jokes or fart jokes or sex jokes are funny.
20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 20: What is the first line to come in to your mind right now?
I think every Gilmore Girls fan would have the same answer, "Oy with the poodles already!"
Day 20: The funniest film you’ve ever seen
That is a super difficult question. I don't really watch that many comedies. I have a more sarcastic, dry, witty scense of humore. I don't think fat jokes or fart jokes or sex jokes are funny.
20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 20: What is the first line to come in to your mind right now?
I think every Gilmore Girls fan would have the same answer, "Oy with the poodles already!"