by Moira Young
4/5 -just wonderful
dystopia, adventure, family, love story, mature
In a lawless future land, where life is cheap and survival is hard, Saba has been brought up in isolated Silverla0ke. She never sees the dangers of the destructive society outside. When her twin brother is snatched by mysterious black-robed riders, she sets outon an epic quest to rescue him. The story's searing pace, its spare style, the excitement of its fabulously damaged world, its unforgettably vivid characters, its violent action and glorious lovestory make this a truly sensational YA debut novel.
I almost put this down after the first few pages. I hated the writing style. I guess the point got across, but do I have to suffer through misspellings and grammar errors? But after a while I didn't even notice anymore.
I really liked it, it kept me hooked. I picked it up because it was compared to The Hunger Games. It's a story that sounds like that in a way, but I wasn't ever comparing the two. It's a good read.