Suppose we never fell in love.
Today I went to Half Price Books. I don't really understand the way they value things. Like, most of the books are all half price, some cheaper; and the dvds are a good price too. Selling is what I...
View ArticleShow me a garden that's burning into life.
The comcast guy came today. He did whatever he does outside and in the attic, he checked the tvs to make sure they were working and he left. Tracy and I sat down to watch a show and it stopped working....
View ArticleI'll show you mine if you show me yours first.
I got my entire order from Kohls today. I worried about it for nothing. Just when the first two things arrived seperatly it worried me, and getting thos help email from the store worried me. But it all...
View ArticleA kiss would change my whole life again.
I'm pretty excited for the new season of Fringe. I'm curious what happens with Etta, but I'm also pretty worried about Olivia. If she wasn't rescued from the amber, what happened to her? I have a...
View ArticleI love you like a love song, baby.
Catch Me If You Can2002Tom Hanks, Leo Dicaprio, Christopher WalkenAn FBI agent tracks down and catches a young con artist who successfully impersonated an airline pilot, doctor, assistant attorney...
View ArticleI can't believe this could be the end.
Walk The Line2005Joaquin Phoenix, Resse WitherspoonWhile growing up in the Great Depression era, Johnny Cash takes an interest in music and eventually moves out of his Arkansas town to join the air...
View ArticleSave your resolutions for your never new year.
Almost Famous2000Billy Crudup, Patrick Fugit, Jason Lee, Kate HudsonWilliam Miller is a 15 year old kid, hired by Rolling Stone magazine to tour with, and write about Stillwater, an up and coming...
View ArticleI can't help but be scared of it all sometimes.
Hairspray2007Nikki Blonsky, John Travolta, Zac Efron, Queen Latifa, Michelle PfeifferTracy Turnblad, an overweight teenager with all the right moves, is obsessed with the Corny Collins Show. Every...
View ArticleI can't get you out of my head.
Toy Story1995Tom Hanks, Tim HanksA little boy named Andy loves to be in his room, playing with his toys, especially his doll named "Woody". But, what do the toys do when Andy is not with them, they...
View ArticleSomething always brings me back to you.
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins5/5 -fantastic!dystopia, adventure, love, mature, movie, young adult, multiple readsAgainst all odds, Katniss has won the Hunger Games. She and fellow District 12...
View ArticleI believe that fate has brought us here.
The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks4/5 -just wonderfuladult fiction, alternate views, contemporary, family, love, mature, movieWhen U.S. Marine Logan Thibault finds a photograph of a smiling young woman...
View ArticleI can't be the one who's always taking chances.
Let's talk about TV. The Emmys are on the 23 of the month; I'm not exactly a fan of the awards. I like the red carpet and all that, but I feel the awards should stick to network shows. Cable shows...
View ArticleI'm a silly love song.
In Twilight, there's this moment when Edward and Bella are just talking and they realize how late it is. Edward tells her that it's twilight and that it's, "the safest time for us." I thought that this...
View ArticleI can't replace all of the wasted days.
At a funeral, or other sad event where people are crying, do you feel an obligation to cry as well, even if you aren't as much a cryer as other people are?I feel like I'm more of a cryer than other...
View ArticleI'd trade my soul for a wish.
Sleeping Beauty1959Mary Costa, Eleanor Audley, Barbara LuddyAdaptation of the fairy tale of the same name. Princess Aurora is cursed by the evil witch Maleficent - who declares that before Aurora...
View ArticleFeels like your hand is on the door.
I cleaned up my GoodReads account, slimmed down my to-read list. I went from 274 to only 122.My cousin has this idea that if something (a song, a movie, a tv show, whatever) becomes popular enough that...
View ArticleI never thought I'd need you there when I cried.
I would LOVE to find a message in a bottle!I made it my goal to finish my current read before the weekend. I knew I could do it, I doubted that I would. The fates took that into their own hands by...
View ArticleI want your leather studded kiss in the sand.
I said it before, I think Castle and Beckett can work. The reason for that is that the show has never been about that. Sure, it's been there, but that hasn't been the focal point of the series. It's...
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