Channel: Mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
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It started out with a kiss.

The Best of Me by Nicolas Sparks
2/5, nothing special
adult fiction, alternate views, contemporary, love story, family, mature

THE BEST OF ME is the heart-rending story of two small-town former high school sweethearts from opposite
sides of the tracks. Now middle-aged, they've taken wildly divergent paths, but neither has lived the life they
imagined . . . and neither can forget the passionate first love that forever altered their world. When they are both
called back to their hometown for the funeral of the mentor who once gave them shelter, they will be forced to
confront the choices each has made, and ask whether love can truly rewrite the past

I didn't even really read the blurb on the back, I just saw "wrong side of the tracks" and knew I was going to read it.

I was remind a bit of The Notebook while reading this, and wanted to watch the movie. Of course this was like the only weekend it wasn't playing on four different channels. Anyway, back to the book.

I thought there were too many unnecessary characters, and I really didn't need to know their view points. They didn't contribute to the story and it was just more than I needed to know.

I was angry at Amanda for leading Dawson on. That was selfish and mean.

I like that it was revealed later on that they didn't sleep together. It was still horrible of her to do that to him, but at least she didn't cheat on her husband.

I thought it was all a bit predictable. Of course we knew Tuck's plan, and who the ghost was and that it was Dawson's heart.

It's only half past the point of no return.

Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
alternate views, angst, beach read, coming of age, contemporary, high school, mature, romance, young adult, multiple reads, own

When Brittany Ellis walks into chemistry class on the first day of senior year, she has no clue that her carefully created 'perfect' life is about to unravel before her eyes. She's forced to be lab partners with Alex Fuentes, a gang member from the other side of town, and he is about to threaten everything she's worked so hard for: her flawless reputation, her relationship with her boyfriend, and the secret that her home life is anything but perfect.

Alex is a bad boy and he knows it. So when he makes a bet with his friends to lure Brittany into his life, he thinks nothing of it. But soon Alex realizes Brittany is a real person with real problems, and suddenly the bet he made in arrogance turns into something much more.

In a passionate story about looking beneath the surface, Simone Elkeles breaks through the stereotypes and barriers that threaten to keep Brittany and Alex apart.

October 2012: So I read it again. It makes me happy!

August 2009: This book had an sickeningly happy ending, but I really liked it.

I never meant to be the one to let you down.

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
3/5, like it
kids' book

An affectionate pig named Wilbur befriends a spider named Charlotte, who lives in the rafters above his pen. In this story of friendship, hardship, and the passing on into time, White reminds readers to open their eyes to the wonder and miracle found in the simplest of things.

I had to read it before I gave it to Ashton.

I wondered if animals really could talk, but we just weren't listening. So I asked Kirby what he wanted for Christmas. He didn't answer.

For once I can touch what my heart used to dream of.

After playing a movie trivia game, I had to add a whole bunch of movies to my Netflix queue.

I finally found a way to copy music from my ipod to my laptop! I've always thought that should have been a thing. It was hell making a cd because I'd have to download the songs for a second time. Now I copied everything and I'll just copy it to a zip. It's a little work because they aren't labeled in any way so I have to go through everything. That might sound tedious and boring, but I like organizing so it's no big deal to me. Plus, going through everything like this is making me think that I need to clean out my music collection.

I haven't watched Jersey Shore for quite some time, but my sister still watches it. Right now it's on and Snooki keeps saying she's disabled because she's pregnant, and now Jenni's disabled because she has a fracture in her foot. All the jokes they're making about disability and handicaps really bothers and offends me.

Boys keep chasing girls to get a kiss.

Back to my challenges...

30 day film challenge
Day 06: Favorite drama film
Titanic. I love everything about this movie. The story of the Titanic completely fascinates me, the love story is beautiful, Leo and Kate are amazing…it is perfect.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 06: Have you ever tried a food after seeing it on the show?
I have not. Never even thought about it.

15 days of crushes
Day 06: Disney Crush
Phoebus. I like that he’s brave and he does his thing. He stands up for the little people. (He also very much reminds me of Jeff from BigBrother.)

They got methods of keeping you clean.

30 day film challenge
Day 07: Favorite animated feature
Aladdin. I watch(ed) this all the time. When I was little I got sick a lot and Aladdin was always my ‘feel better’ movie. And even now, it is the only Disney movie that shows up on tv.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 07: Are you a Paris or Lane?
I’m a Lane. Definitely more laid back and not intense or obsessive at all.

15 days of crushes
Day 07: Old Enough to Be Your Parent Crush
Bradley Whitford. I don’t keep up with him or anything, and Aaron Sorkin may be the real reason behind the crush. I think he is so handsome, I just smile when I look at him.

I struggle to find any truth in your lies.

30 day film challenge
Day 08: A movie that you’ve seen countless times
10 Things I Hate About You. We used to watch this like every day. We watched it hundreds of times before we lost the tape. My sister bought the dvd to replace it, but that was moved from player to player so many times, we lost that too. Then I bought the dvd to replace that one and now it’s missing.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 08: What was the first episode of Gilmore Girls you saw?
'Concert Interruptus'. Seeing the Chilton girls in the Gilmore world, and having to deal with the wrath of Lorelai, is just intriguing to me. I wore out my dvd from watching it so much.

15 days of crushes
Day 08: Singer Crush
In 2008 I fell in love. I met him through America voted to keep Clay Aiken on American Idol as their wildcard choice. Clay has the greatest voice ever. In fact, he is the only artist that I can not sing along with because if I were to sing I wouldn’t be able to hear him.

Somehow this feeling just grows and grows.

30 day film challenge
Day 09: A movie with the best soundtrack
Into The Wild has a wonderful soundtrack. So chill and peaceful. Just like the movie.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 09: What is something that will always remind you of Gilmore Girls?
The words. People can say a lot of things that make me think of Gilmore Girls, and even thought they’re unaware of that, it always brings me back to the show. And because the people I know are unaware of the show, I can quote it and look funny and witty and cool.

15 days of crushes
Day 09: Couple Crush
Micheal J. Fox and Tracy Pollan. This might seem like an odd choice, but I love the story. He was, of course, Alex P. Keaton on Family Ties. She played Ellen, Alex’s girlfriend. Nothing happened and there was nothing more than friendship between them. Then Alex and Ellen broke up and she left the show. A few weeks later, he just missed her so he asked one of the producers for her number. They started dating, got married, had kids, and have been together ever since.

There's no religion that could save me.

30 day film challenge
Day 10: Favorite love story in a movie
Walk The Line. My heart aches when I watch this movie. This is what true love is. I want a love like Johnny and June.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 10: How long was your longest Gilmore Girls marathon?
I don’t do marathons much. I like to put on a disc while I’m scrapbooking and usually finish all four episodes before bed.

15 days of crushes
Day 10: Badass Crush
I don’t have many badass crushes. What can I say, I like the good guys. I have a weakness for Jace Wayland, from the Mortal Instrument books. He’s a softy under his badass, smart ass exterior.

You tell me to find someone else to love.

30 day film challenge
Day 11: The most surprising plot twist or ending
Signs. That movie blew my mind.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 11: Have you ever quoted Gilmore Girls in real life?
“Any minute now the moving will begin.”
I always say it when I’m feeling especially lazy.

15 days of crushes
Day 11: Geeky Crush
Seth Cohen. He’s incredibly geeky, and even annoying sometimes, but he has this lovely romantic side to him. I’m Summer, and can’t help but to stand up on that coffee cart with him.

My world is a better place because of you.

The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton
4/5   -just wonderful
angst, coming of age, family, mature, social issues, young adult, movie

Written over forty years ago, S. E. Hinton's classic story of the struggle between the Socs and the Greasers remains as powerful today as it was the day it was written, and it is taught in schools nationwide. Now available in a great new package with an improved trim size, a stunning new cover, and bonus material. Designed with classroom use in mind, the new edition will maintain the same pagination as the previous edition.

This book was great! It just goes to show you that schools should stop forcing kids to read books, give them a choice! Because of all the times I was assigned to read this throughout my school career I never did. People just can't force you to read something, it has to be your choice.

We're trying so hard not to fall asleep.

30 day film challenge
Day 12: Favorite movie villain
Edward from Penelope. Because he licked Max.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 12: What is the weirdest couple that you secretly ship?
I wanted Lorelai to say yes to Kirk.

15 days of crushes
Day 12: Opposite of Preferred Gender Crush
Right now...Giuliana Rancic. Weird choice, I admit, but I just love her. I think she is so funny and entertaining. I just watch the reality show and laugh!

This silence is slowly killing me.

30 day film challenge
Day 13: A guilty pleasure
The Wedding Date. It's not a great movie, it's even kind of boring, but I never notice because Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney are great together.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 13: What is the number one thing happening in pop culture the you wish to hear Lorelai and Rory discuss?
Twilight. I'd be very interested to hear what they thought of it, or if it would end up on Rory's bookshelf. I think that would lead to some funny conversations and references. I'd like to hear the Gilmore's thoughts on the whole vampire craze in general. Especially Emily.

15 days of crushes
Day 13: Unlikely Crush
I have a little bit of a crush on all of the boys from The Outsiders. Maybe it's a new fascination because I just read it. It's unlikely because they're these tough greaser gang members, and I like the good guys. But these boys share beds and call their brother sweetheart and read Gone with the Wind and recite poetry. They're kind of amazing.

I'm sure that you're an angel in disguise.

30 day film challenge
Day 14: The film that no one expected you to like
New York Minute. I saw it when it came out with a big group of friends, but I don't think anyone expected me to like it as much as I did. And I do love it.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 14: If you could have a crossover episode, what show would it be with?
I wonder how the Gilmore Girls would hold up against the Scooby Gang. Not that I'd be interested in the mix of genre there, but the wit and humor and sarcasm of Lorelai vs Buffy.

15 days of crushes
Day 14: Childhood Crush
I had a crush on Uncle Jesse from Full House. He's so dreamy.

I'm retracing every step in my head.

30 day film challenge
Day 15: The film that depicts your life
That is a really difficult question to answer because my life is not a romantic comedy. I have no answer for this. And isn't the point of a movie to get away from real life?

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 15: Who is your favorite Gilmore guy?
Luke. I like how he's completely who he wants to be. He speaks his mind, he does things just the way he wants to, he doesn't give in to town pressure, and I like how protective he is of Rory.

15 days of crushes
Day 15: Superhero Crush
The only superhero I really know is Spiderman, and the only Spiderman I know is Tobey Maguire. I don't have a crush on him.

Now I think I'm ready to bust a move.


30 day film challenge
Day 16: Your favorite biopic
Catch Me If You Can. It's a real fun movie, and totally unbelieable what that kid did!

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 16: If you could choose just one character to bring into your life, who would it be?
Lane. I think she'd be a cool friend to have. Someone I'd like to hang out with.

Can you help me remember how to smile?

30 day film challenge
Day 17: Most overrated film
Twilight. I'm a twihard so I get it. But come on!! It's not a good movie. It's very undeserving of all the hype.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 17: Is there a character in the show that you know HAS to be based on someone from your life?
That would be cool, but no. I don't know anyone that quirky or aggressive.

Before you leave there's something you should no.

30 day film challenge
Day 18: Favorite movie from your childhood
That list could go on and on. Final answer: Home Alone. I don't think it gets better than that. I know every single line in that movie, I really don't even need to see it, just close my eyes and I can play it in my head.

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 18: What characte do you wish was in the show more?
Maury I loved seeing him in those first few episodes, but then he just kind of disappeared. I also really liked when Gypsy popped up every now and then.

I know that she's the only one.

30 day film challenge
Day 19: Your favorite trilogy/quadrilogy/etc.
Back to the Future. Which was better, the first or second movie?

20 day Gilmore Girls challenge
Day 19: Would you rather eat at Luke's or go to Friday night dinners?
I think I'd like both. Obviously I'd like to just chill with a burger and fries at the dinner, but I'd also like to get a little more dressed up and have a real meal. My question is does Luke serve milkshakes?

I used to hear your music so loud.

I can not believe Peter! I am so pissed at him! But, Goddamn, that's good tv!! When Peter lost his emotions and was inside Olivia's head, when he would tilt his head in that observer way and when his hair fell out. I hated it, hated him, but I was on the edge of my seat. I can not understand why people don't watch this show.

I think we all need to put away your gadgets for a little while. People are too dependent on their phones and laptops, like it's so important to know where the Kardashians are eating lunch or what's the new youtube sensation. I don't get it. I think people should set rules for themselves. I turn my laptop off at 10:30, there were too many times where I would stay online doing nothing and the next thing you know it's four in the morning.

I watched the new MTV show Catfish today. I didn't like it. I've only seen one and it hasn't been on that long, but it seems to me that it's this cynical little story. I would like to believe that romances, even ones online, can work. They're aren't all just crazy people. Not saying that it doesn't happen, there are a lot of nuts and liars in this world, but I'd like it if these guys weren't so gun-ho on believing that everyone is a fraud.
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