Channel: Mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
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My world crumbles when you are not here.

Peter: "Olivia, thank God."
Olivia: "Who are you?"
The end.

Me: "NNOOOO!!!!"

Why can't I breathe you into my life?

I think the cast looks especially attractive in the new Breaking Dawn promo pics.

I can't wait to fall in love with you.

Twilight is on tv. Not a good thing. Now every time it's on I'm going to have to watch it. I already have enough of those movies.lol

(in the movies.) They talked about everything in the books.

Some people say that love's a losing game.

I have this crazy fantasy of Brennan freaking out when she's in labor, making Booth freak out. In a panic he starts singing 'Hot Blooded'. Then Brennan starts singing along, and the baby is born with that song as it's soundtrack.

(Except I don't think she got pregnant the first time.)

Diamonds where there once were stars.


"When a monster stopped behaving like a monster, did it stop being a monster?"

"She tore her eyes away from his, hitched her bag higher, and pushed herself forward into the castle, all the while conscious of the strange eyes burning into her back."

"She stood and stared at the place he'd just been. And tried to shake off the eerie sense that he had just answered something she thought, rather than something she'd said."

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes.

I was pretty disappointed in Fringe. The whole theme for the beginning of the season has been, "Where is Peter Bishop?" So he finally comes back and he's hardly in it? I think the whole episode should have been centered around Peter instead of just three minor scenes with him. We didn't even get any POlivia scenes! I should think this strange man claiming to be Walter's son, claiming to know all of them, and having all sort of confidential information would be the biggest mystery in the fringe division.

The final season of Chuck started two weeks ago. I still haven't seen it. See, ever since we got an OnDemand box I've been watching Chuck that way. I still have confidence that Comcast will put it on, but I'm also kind of worried that NBC.com will take them off. So I guess I'll have to check it out online.

And I stood outside her heaven.

I missed Top Model last week, and I really don't care. I guess I'm just over it.

I'm over Jersey Shore, too.

Tracy introduced Bill to Friends the other night. Isn't that sad? Introduced! I judge people by which their favorite friend is. His favorite is Chandler, so we're good. Chandler and Ross are obviously the best, but Ross tops my list. Rachel and Joey are the worst. Rachel is just boring and Joey is too dumb. Ever since they started playing Friends on Nick at Nite, I have a new found appreciation for Phoebe. It's been a while since I watched the show and it's been forever since I've seen the first few seasons. Pheebs was such a great character in the beginning. My favorite interactions are Phoebe and Ross. Especially when they argue...like when Phoebe doesn't believe in evolution or gravity, or that a dinosaur doesn't go, 'ruff.'

I was watching Fringe the other night. It was one of my favorite episodes, 'LSD' from season three. The whole thing just made me sad. In this episode Peter, Walter, and Bell go inside Olivia's mind to find her and bring her back to consciousness. Peter was so desperate to find her, and so sure of how her mind works. It's so heartbreaking that she doesn't know how deeply he cares for her. I hate the orange-verse!

Tell me how they got that pretty little face on that pretty little frame.


It actually looks like they might just pull this off. This looks pretty cool. I was a little underwhelmed with Josh as Peeta, but let's hope I get over it.

This new Tough Love show, about the Wards matchmaking service, is not a very good show. I feel like I now know why Steve is single and I like him a lot less. He swears a lot, too. I wonder what he would tell a woman who swore that much. I think he's kind of a hypocrite. He went to meet a woman and judged everything about her looks as she walked up to him. Everything down to her stripper shoes. So after she went out with her match she met with Steve again to tell him how it went. She said the first thing she notice were his shoes and that she didn't like them. Steve said she was being shallow and superficial and she wasn't going to go anywhere in a relationship until she got her priorities straight. I ask you, Steve Ward, why can you tell a woman what to wear and how to look, but a woman can't tell a man the same? Judging from how you wore ripped up, faded jeans and flip flops, Steve, maybe you should take some womanly advice.

I am more confused in Fringe than I ever have been in LOST. Unfortunately it doesn't have the same following and I have no one to talk to about it. Does blue-verse still exist? Is orange-verse a third universe. How many universes are they going to make and how many alternates are they going to throw our way before it gets so confusing people lose interest? How many Olivia's are we dealing with now, and why does Peter get an unhappily ever after in every single universe we visit? It's deflating. I seriously miss blue-verse. It had the best characters and relationships!

Is this the place we used to love?

I had a dream where I was visiting parallel universes. I was completely aware of the change, and I had skills in one universe that I didn't have in the previous. I've been obsessing about Fringe way too much.

I've been immersed in Breaking Dawn press coverage. I really like Taylor and Nikki right now, I feel like I'm cheating on Rob and Kristen.lol. I've been noticing, in videos, Kristen reminds me of my cousin. Kristen is, of course, much more awkward and unsure of herself around people/ But there are just some mannerisms that match.

I really like the new squintern on Bones. What a delicious southern boy!

I've decided to really clean up Carlisle. I already deleted a bunch of songs, I have yet to look through the bands. And I'm checking out new music. I'm interested in the music played in Chuck and Parenthood. I made playlists on youtube so I can more easily decide what I want to download. Youtube only allows 200 videos on a playlist though. I also like the music played on The Good Wife, but I haven't found a good website to give me a definitive list.

Your's are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen.


Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Seven Kingdoms #1
4/5  awesome
adventure, fantasy, love, mature

Katsa has been able to kill a man with her bare hands since she was eight—she’s a Graceling, one of the rare people in her land born with an extreme skill. As niece of the king, she should be able to live a life of privilege, but Graced as she is with killing, she is forced to work as the king’s thug.

When she first meets Prince Po, Graced with combat skills, Katsa has no hint of how her life is about to change. She never expects to become Po’s friend. She never expects to learn a new truth about her own Grace—or about a terrible secret that lies hidden far away … a secret that could destroy all seven kingdoms with words alone.

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
The Mortal Instruments 2

4/5    great
bookshelves: alternate views, adventure, fantasy, paranormal romance

As readers of series starter City of Bones already know, teenager Clary Fray is a Shadowhunter, a demon slayer who has the gift (?) of spotting Downworlder werewolves, vampires, and faeries. She is also an adolescent in an abnormally dysfunctional family: Her mom is in a magically induced coma and her father is probably insane and undoubtedly evil. All of which places Clary in situations that would challenge even the most talented average American girl
** spoiler alert ** Are Clary and Jace really brother and sister? I don’t accept that and I know it can’t be true! He is a Wayland, or the Inquisitor’s grandson…they are not related. They can’t be.


Heaven Is For Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back by Todd Burpo
3/5     -good
bookshelves: non-fiction

Heaven Is for Real is the true story of the four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who during emergency surgery slips from consciousness and enters heaven. He survives and begins talking about being able to look down and see the doctor operating and his dad praying in the waiting room. The family didn’t know what to believe but soon the evidence was clear.

Colton said he met his miscarried sister, whom no one had told him about, and his great grandfather who died 30 years before Colton was born, then shared impossible-to-know details about each. He describes the horse that only Jesus could ride, about how “reaaally big” God and his chair are, and how the Holy Spirit “shoots down power” from heaven to help us.

Told by the father, but often in Colton’s own words, the disarmingly simple message is heaven is a real place, Jesus really loves children, and be ready, there is a coming last battle.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
3/5   good
bookshelves: coming of age, realistic fiction, social issues

The unforgettable novel of a childhood in a sleepy Southern town and the crisis of conscience that rocked it, To Kill A Mockingbird became both an instant bestseller and a critical success when it was first published in 1960. It went on to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and was later made into an Academy Award-winning film, also a classic.


Delirium by Lauren Oliver
2/5    okay
bookshelves: love, dystopia

Before scientists found the cure, people thought love was a good thing. They didn’t understand that once love — the deliria — blooms in your blood, there is no escaping its hold. Things are different now. Scientists are able to eradicate love, and the governments demands that all citizens receive the cure upon turning eighteen. Lena Holoway has always looked forward to the day when she’ll be cured. A life without love is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable, and happy.

But with ninety-five days left until her treatment, Lena does the unthinkable: She falls in love.

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin
3/5    good
bookshelves: contemporary, social issues, realistic fiction

If Naomi had picked tails, she would have won the coin toss. She wouldn’t have had to go back for the yearbook camera, and she wouldn’t have hit her head on the steps. She wouldn’t have woken up in an ambulance with amnesia. She certainly would have remembered her boyfriend, Ace. She might even have remembered why she fell in love with him in the first place. She would understand why her best friend, Will, keeps calling her “Chief.” She’d know about her mom’s new family. She’d know about her dad’s fiancée. She never would have met James, the boy with the questionable past and the even fuzzier future, who tells her he once wanted to kiss her. She wouldn’t have wanted to kiss him back. But Naomi picked heads.
I had some different thoughts each time I picked this book up.

At first I thought the narrative sounded a little teenage girl cliched. I had just stopped reading a different book for this reason, but I kept on with this one. It got better.

There was a brief part of a letter Will wrote to Naomi - complete with footnotes. There was a paragraph that made it sound like this might happen often. I really didn’t like that, but I casually flipped through the pages and there was no more of that, so I kept reading.

And third, I did not like James. And I didn’t know if I was supposed to or not. So this didn’t deter my reading at all.

I really liked this concept, very interesting. Worth reading.


Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Shadow Children #1
3/5  -good    dystopia, male protagonist

Luke has never been to school. He’s never had a birthday party, or gone to a friend’s house for an overnight. In fact, Luke has never had a friend. Luke is one of the shadow children, a third child forbidden by the Population Police. He’s lived his entire life in hiding, and now, with a new housing development replacing the woods next to his family’s farm, he is no longer even allowed to go outside.

Then, one day Luke sees a girl’s face in the window of a house where he knows two other children already live. Finally, he’s met a shadow child like himself. Jen is willing to risk everything to come out of the shadows — does Luke dare to become involved in her dangerous plan? Can he afford not to?
I vaguely remember reading this in eighth grade. It was 50 cents at Half Price Books so it was an impulse read again book.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
3/5  like      alternate views, funny, love, movie

It all starts when Nick asks Norah to be his girlfriend for five minutes. He only needs five minutes to avoid his ex-girlfriend, who’s just walked in to his band’s show. With a new guy. And then, with one kiss, Nick and Norah are off on an adventure set against the backdrop of New York City—and smack in the middle of all the joy, anxiety, confusion, and excitement of a first date.

This he said/she said romance told by YA stars Rachel Cohn and David Levithan is a sexy, funny roller coaster of a story about one date over one very long night, with two teenagers, both recovering from broken hearts, who are just trying to figure out who they want to be—and where the next great band is playing.

Told in alternating chapters, teeming with music references, humor, angst, and endearing side characters, this is a love story you’ll wish were your very own. Working together for the first time, Rachel Cohn and David Levithan have combined forces to create a book that is sure to grab readers of all ages and never let them go


The Summer of Summer by Cory Martin
2/5  -okay
alternate views, teeny bopper, tv, pop culture

Summer’s being forced to spend part of her holiday with her family at a nearby resort. Eww! It’s totally generic and so not how she wanted to spend her time. There’s no one around who’s her age and the step-monster is driving her crazy will this vacation ever end? Then a hot boy challenges her to explore something new and suddenly Summer’s forced to take a long, hard look at her own life.
Is she the person she wants to be? Or is there a new Summer just waiting to appear?

The Other Boy by Hailey Abbott
2/5   okay
beach read, teeny bopper, romance

Maddy’s Boy Pros & Cons …

Brian—Super cute / hangs with my friends / goes to my high school / my boyfriend!

David—Says I’m a spoiled princess / hates my friends / has amazing blue eyes / cooked me an unbelievable dinner / annoyingly irresistible!

Summer for Maddy Sinclaire starts as a blur of house parties and dips in the pool—until she’s caught throwing an unauthorized beachside bash. As punishment, her parents send her off to Napa Valley, where she’ll spend her free time working on the family vineyard. Even with her boyfriend, Brian, miles away, Maddy’s about to discover that the vineyard is a very romantic place. It’s vast, sunny, magical …and there’s another boy just waiting to steal her heart.
Just your typical young adult beach read, nothing special about it. I didn’t particularly like the characters.

I think I found the soul to make me happily ever after.


There's something about seeing the trailer that really gets to me. I can't even put into words how beautiful it is. I cried during the trailer. I have mixed feelings about seeing it in the theater again though. If someone asked me to go, I don't think I'd have the strength to say no.lol But I don't think I'd go by myself.

My cousin called me last night to tell me she saw Breaking Dawn. Without me. Kidding, I'm not as into as I was with Twilight. Maybe because Breaking Dawn sucked. She said that the wedding was immediate, and she didn't like that there was no preparation. The housekeeper at Isle Esme was in it way too much. The belly was disgusting, she thinks I'll throw up in my mouth when I see it. I believe she used the word gruesome. She also said that Jacob was more of an asshole this time around. That's always how I saw him though, the character in the book is an asshole, they made him nicer and sweeter in the movies. She's not the fangirl I am and she forgot that they split it into two movies so she was very disappointed, I would have been too. She didn't like the wolves either, said there wasn't as much of a focus on them as in the other movies.She says she's definitely going to go see it with me though, and her parents want to see it. I absolutely love seeing these movies with my aunt and uncle, but Danielle doesn't much like going to the movies with her mom and dad.

I can't survive without your sweet love.


Happy Thanksgiving!!

Kirby knows something's up, he knows we're leaving the house.

Writer's Block: Background players

Restless hearts sleep alone tonight.

I have this urge to read about psychology. A psych textbook like in high school would be good. There's this new show, Curiosity on the Discovery channel. It's a pretty cool show, it explores a different topic each week. I just watched one about how evil are you, very interesting. They can actually do brain scans to see how your brain reacts to different images. So doctors can actually see which parts of the brain respond to violent images and how. They can do DNA tests to see is you are pre-disposed to psychopathy. They re-created the Milgrim experiment, which was originally done in the '60s.

The Milgrim experiment was suppose to prove that people learn faster or better or whatever if they received a negative reinforcement when they were wrong. So they would bring the learner into one room, strap him down, and hook him up to a machine. The teacher would then go into the next room and ask the learner questions, some kind of word association thing, and every time he got it wrong the teacher would give him a shock.

The people would do this with no problem at first, and the higher the voltage got the more noise the learner would make. 150 volts was the turning point of the experiment; the learner would say he wanted to stop. So the teacher would stop and tell the experimenter who said, "it's essential for the experiment that you continue.' AND THEY WOULD! Even though it was clear that they didn't want to go further they would because they were told to.

Of course no one was actually being shocked, it was an experiment to see how far people would go. The results, Milgrim found, were that people were capable of anything and they feel like they have to follow the rules. Someone in authority told them to shock another human being with 150 volts and they did it. 40 years or so ago, Milgrim found that if something were to happen in the United State, such as the Holocaust, those people could very easily find the people to run everything and undoubtedly listen to their authorities.

Can you teach me how to dance real slow?

Name a TV show series in which you have seen every episode at least twice:
-Friends, Full House, Roseanne

Name a (current) show you can't miss:

Name an actor that would make you more inclined to watch a show:
-Nathan Fillion (Castle), Christina Ricci (Pan Am)

Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show:
-Jeremy Piven, Charlie Sheen

Name a show you can, and do, quote from.
-Friends, Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy

Name a show you like that no one else enjoys:

Name a TV show which you've been known to sing the theme songs.
-The Office, Gilmore Girls, Friends, Full House, Diff'rent Strokes, SVU

Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch:

Name a TV series you own:
-Veronica Mars season1, Chuck season1, Grey's Anatomy seasons1-3, Gilmore Girls seasons1-3, Boy Meets World series, Full House series, The West Wing series, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer season2, The Office seasons1-3, Mysterious Ways series, The OC season1, Saved by the Bell series, Fringe seasons1-3

What is your favorite episode of your favorite series?
-'TOW No One's Ready'; Friends, 'The Constant'; LOST, 'Diversity Day'; The Office

A show you mean to watch, but you just haven't gotten around to yet:
-I have Mad Men, The Tudors, Camelot, and Friday Night Lights in my Netflix queue.

Ever quit watching a show because it was ..so bad?
-I might be done with Glee. This is me, not caring.

Name a show you aren't interested in watching, not in the least:
-There are a lot of shows I have no interest in. CSI, American Horror Story, Happy Endings, The Bachelor, The Mentalist, Private Practice, Survivor, The Biggest Loser, Grimm, Once Upon a Time

Name a show that's made you cry multiple times:
-I cry in everything!! Full House, for sure. Grey's Anatomy, Studio 60.

Oldest TV show you like?

Newest TV show you like?
-Terra Nova, Pan Am, New Girl

What do you eat when you watch TV?
-I don't take notes.

How often do you watch TV?
-Too much.

Do you have a favorite talk show?
-The only talk show I occasionally catch is Jimmy Fallon. I used to watch Conan at that time slot.

What's the last TV show you watched?
-Four Weddings ;)

What's your favorite/preferred genre of TV?

What's your least favorite genre of TV?
-Reality competition and game shows. I watched American Idol with the rest of the world, but is it entirely necessary to have seventy rip offs of it?

What was the first TV show you were obsessed with?
-The OC

What TV show do you wish you never watched?
-Bad Girls Club, my sister watches it. It's terrible.

What's the weirdest show you enjoyed?
-I'm going to say a certain show that some series have. A musical episode (Buffy, Fringe, How I Met Your Mother) and an episode where they go back in time (Boy Meets World, Fringe) or an episode with some kind of crazy dream world (Bones, Fringe). Don't get me wrong, I love these episodes and I think every show should take advantage, but that doesn't stop me from being a little embarrassed about watching these with other people in the room.

What TV show scared you the most?
-I didn't watch The X Files when I was growing up, but it wasn't really a stranger in my house. My dad would watch it while everyone else went to bed. Including my mom who thought it was too scary. That being said, I did happen to catch a late night episode. I don't know which episode it was, but I remember that it scared the crap out of me.

What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched?
-I have never laughed so hard as during an episode of Full House. I know, I know, that sounds lame. It was the one where Rusty was there for lunch and he was pulling pranks. He tucked the table cloth into Danny's pants so when Danny got up he brought the whole table with him. The look on Bob Saget's face at that moment was just so fucking funny!!

-When Andy punched a whole in the wall in The Office, I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.

Which do you think is the best TV series ever made?
-Boy Meets World.

I signed my letter that I sealed with a kiss.

Who do you trust? The confident man in Door #1 with the gleaming smile or the one standing in the shadows of Door #2?

Shoppers rush home with their treasures.

When I watch my new favorite show, Four Weddings, I get in a very wedding-y mood. I look at wedding dresses on Google images, I follow wedding blogs on Tumblr. I get obsessed. I found myself with folders full of images, and all there is to do is blog! So I present..Wedding Wednesday!

This is so pretty. A cropped wedding dress with a great poofiness. That's the technical term. :)

The huge flower on the side of this dress is very Carrie Bradshaw.

Very pretty and neutral bouquet for a winter wedding.

Creative and cute bookworm center pieces.

I like the jewel waistband.

I like the skirt of this dress a lot. Not such a fan of the sweetheart neckline.

This is a great idea to take pictures. You can put up whatever is important or cute for the couple. It can be very personalized.

This makes for a cute picture, the groomsmens' shoes matching their bridesmaids' dresses. I would never have my bridesmaids in different colors like that though.

The details on the bodice of this dress are wonderful. It doesn't seem like it flows into the skirt so smoothly though.

I would like a rooftop reception, but I would love it to be glassed in and just pray for snow.

I have a thing for cameo jewelry.

This vintage mermaid gown is gorgeous. This photo is gorgeous. And that plant/flower bouquet, whatever that is, is gorgeous.

I'm not a fan of the one shoulder look, but this detail is a must if you go that way.

I like how form fitting this is.

Lovely, old fashion veil. So great.

Fantastic form fitting dress, taffeta mermaid bottom.

OMG! So, so pretty! Don't you just picture Kate Winslet wearing this on the Titanic? The empire waist, the sheer sleeves, the skirt, the back. This dress is perfect!

Tidings of comfort and joy.

My fandom year in review: 2011
Possible spoilers for The Good Wife

My biggest fandom this year has been Fringe. It's an awesome story with great characters. John Nobel deserves every award possible for his performance, he is brilliant. I honestly don't know if I've ever been so obsessed with anything the way I am obsessed with Fringe. That being said, my biggest ship this year has been POlivia.


I saw Peter Pan 360 this summer and was blown away. It was simply great! Everyone should experience this!


I became obsessed with Pride&Prejudice this year. I watch it every time it's on tv. Just last night I stayed up ujtil 2AM to watch the end. Like I haven't seen it dozens of times before.

I found a new respect for Titanic. I saw in the theater when it first came out and I've seen it on video since then, but I would watch it on tv and notice all different sides to the story that I just didn't see when I was little. It also revived my interest on the history and facts behind the ill-fated ship of dreams.

Period movies filled up my Netflix queue this year. I find all of it just lovely. The costumes, the dancing, the way of speaking...I love it.


The Good Wife always is a great show that is packed with everything. Plus great characters. That elevator hook up between Will and Alicia was seriously hot, but my heart broke a little when I realized that Alicia didn't love him.

I started watching Supernatural with my dad this year. We're in the middle of season six. These boys are amazing to me, you really believe them! I'm a Sammy girl, always have been, but when Castiel showed up I kinda fell for him. I love episodes where they just make fun of themselves, but I feel like an idiot for laughing at it because my dad doesn't know what is going on or why it's funny.

New Girl is the best show of the new season. It's so cute and funny, I love all the characters and want them to be my friends.

Medium ended this year, and thanks to re-runs on Lifetime I got hooked. Can I please have Joe Dubois to call my own?

One day, I was super bored with nothing to do, I watched an Awkward marathon. It's not a great show, a little over the top, but I still enjoy it. I think I'm team Jake.


I'm a bit of a music snob, but I really like the music played on Chuck, Parenthood, and The Good Wife. I'm currently researching Chuck music and I have a YouTube playlist of Parenthood music to be looked at later. I couldn't find a definitive list of music from The Good Wife.


Anne Hathaway. First saw her in The Princess Diaries, loved in The Devil Wears Prada, new found respect in Love and Other Drugs

Carey Mulligan. She is so cute and chic. I swear, if I were a big Hollywood name, this would be me. Her fashion is amazing!

Dianna Agron. She seems so sure of herself. I like the way she presents herself and the way she speaks.

I liked Jared Padelecki in Gilmore Girls, I love him in Supernatural.

I can't quite put my finger on what it is I like about Michelle Williams, but she definitely makes my list.

I'm not even sure if Mischa Collins has been in anything other than Supernatural, and honestly I don't know if I even like him as a nice guy. I mean he's a good guy in Supernatural, obviously, but I would much rather see his brooding stare than his smile.

Nikki Reed has definitely grown on me. Considering how much I disliked her from Twilight and now I love seeing her in interviews.

Taylor Lautner seems like a real genuine, nice guy. I really like that.

I was all about the royal wedding! Got up at 4AM to watch it.

I was immersed in Breaking Dawn press coverage this year. It's weird, because I'm kind of over Twilight, but I do like watching these interviews. Especially if they're group interviews! Rob, Kristen, and Taylor are so fascinating when they're together.


City of Bones sucked me in. I found it to be simply terrific. I still have two books in the series, so no one spoil me. But Clary and Jace can not be brother and sister. I do not accept this.

-Other Obsessions-

I'm a hopeless romantic, and I'm all about Love Stories!

I got a Tumblr this year, and I'm not really sure I get the point of it. Confessions blogs are thoroughly entertaining though.

Anything and everything vintage, retro, or kitschy.

Weddings! I love weddings, and my friend introduced me to this show Four Weddings on TLC. It's awesome, and after I watch it I get in this very wedding-y mood. I look at wedding dresses on Google images and follow wedding blogs on my aforementioned Tumblr.

It's the best time of the year.

I made you believe we're more than just friends.


The Lion King      1994

A lion prince is born in Africa and is told by his father, King Mufasa, that when Mufasa dies, Simba will take over the throne, cheating his Uncle Scar out of becoming King of the Pride Lands. Scar, fueled by rage, plots to kill Mufasa and Simba so he is able to take over the throne. He and the hyenas team up and manage to push Mufasa to his death, but Simba survives, and, armed with misinformation, flees the Pride Lands. Simba, believing that his father's death was his own fault, decides to never return home; due to this decision, he meets Timone the Meerkat, and Pummba the Warthog, and the trio become fast friends. Simba stays with them well into adulthood until his childhood friend, Nala, tracks him down and begs him to return to the Pride Lands, where Scar has reigned as King for years, and ruined everything. All of the animals will starve to death if Simba does not return.

Scream 4
Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Cox, Emma Watson, Hayden Panettiere
3/5 -good     horror, slasher, thriller

Sidney Prescott, now the author of a self-help book, returns home to Woodsboro on the last stop of her book tour. There she reconnects with Sheriff Dewey and Gale, who are now married, as well as her cousin Jill and her Aunt Kate. Unfortunately, Sidney’s appearance also brings about the return of Ghostface, putting Sidney, Gale, and Dewey, along with Jill, her friends, and the whole town of Woodsboro in danger.

——*SpoilersI had a pepsi in my hand when I started this movie and decided to put it down as not to choke or spill all over myself. After all this is Scream, so you know someone is gonna get it right away. So Lucy Hale came on and I thought too bad for her. I was right, but the opening credits for Stab 6 played. Then Kristen Bell and Anna Paquin came on and I got to watch Veronica Mars stab Sookie Stackhhouse. And with that, the opening credits for Stab 7. Then that girl from Life Unexpected comes on, and she’s wearing a big turtleneck sweater, not exactly slasher movie wardobe. But she was gone soon enough,  and as ghostface told the other girl, “She’s the blonde with the big boobs.” So with five murders out of the way and the movie starting, I could drink my pepsi.

I’d also like to point out how awesome it was that Tegan and Sara opened the movie.


Sliding Doors
Gwyneth Paltrow, John Hannah, John Lynch
2/5  okay     1998       pg-13
romance, drama, comedy

Young Helen is fired from her job at a PR company, and when the sliding doors of the tube car close on her, we start to see what would have happened if she’d made the train, and if she hadn’t.

Black Swan    2010
Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel
2/5  -okay       psychological thriller

Nina is a ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose life, like all those in her profession, is completely consumed with dance. She lives with her obsessive former ballerina mother Erica who exerts a suffocating control over her. When artistic director Thomas Leroy decides to replace prima ballerina Beth MacIntyre for the opening production of their new season, Swan Lake, Nina is his first choice. But Nina has competition: a new dancer, Lily, who impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requires a dancer who can play both the White Swan with innocence and grace, and the Black Swan, who represents guile and sensuality. Nina fits the White Swan role perfectly but Lily is the personification of the Black Swan. As the two young dancers expand their rivalry into a twisted friendship, Nina begins to get more in touch with her dark side - a recklessness that threatens to destroy her.——I don’t see what all the acclaim was for.


Jane Eyre    2011
Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender
2/5 -okay      drama, romance, period

After a bleak childhood, Jane Eyre goes out into the world to become a governess. As she lives happily in her new position at Thornfield Hall, she meets the dark, cold, and abrupt master of the house, Mr. Rochester. Jane and her employer grow close in friendship and she soon finds herself falling in love with him. Happiness seems to have found Jane at last, but could Mr. Rochester’s terrible secret be about to destroy it forever?

Two Lovers     2008
2/5   -okay        drama, romance
Gwyneth Paltrow, Joaquin Phoenx

Leonard Kraditor is a burned-out case, living with his immigrant parents after his fiancée left him, helping out at their Brooklyn dry cleaners, taking photographs, at loose ends, suicidal. In quick succession, he meets two women: Sandra, the daughter of his parents' business associates, frank, direct, sensual, Jewish like Leonard; and, his neighbor Michelle, mercurial, rootless, fun, blond, unattainable. Michelle is in love with a married man and cries on Leonard's shoulder; Sandra wants to save him. Is Leonard willing to risk losing Sandra's fidelity for the moments Michelle's moods swing toward him? Can this end well?


Out Of Africa  
2/5   -okay      1985     
drama, romance
Meryl Streep, Robert Redford

Follows the life of Karen Blixen, who establishes a plantation in Africa. Her life is Complicated by a husband of convenience (Bror Blixen), a true love (Denys), troubles on the plantation, schooling of the natives, war, and catching VD from her husband.

Shakespeare in Love
3/5   good    
drama, romance, period

Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph FiennesWill Shakespeare is a known but struggling poet, playwright and actor who not only has sold his next play to both Philip Henslow and Richard Burbidge but now faces a far more difficult problem: he is bereft of ideas and has yet to begin writing. He is in search of his muse, the woman who will inspire him but all attempts fail him until he meets the beautiful Viola de Lesseps. She loves the theatre and would like nothing more than to take to the stage but is forbidden from doing so as only men can be actors. She is also a great admirer of Shakespeare’s works. Dressing as a man and going by the name of Thomas Kent, she auditions and is ideal for a part in his next play.


Great Expectations
1998    2/5 -okay
Gwyneth Paltrow, Ethan Hawke, Chris Cooper
drama, romance

Based on Charles Dickens’ timeless tale, this is a story of the love of a man for an unreachable woman. Updated to modern day New York City, the story concerns a man of modest background who falls in love with a rich girl. But when a mysterious benefactor greenlights the man to make his dreams come true, everything done has the ultimate goal of making Estella fall in love with him..

Revolutionary Road
2008     3/5 -like
drama, romance
Leo Dicaprio, Kate Winslet

It's 1955. Frank and April Wheeler, in the seventh year of their marriage, have fallen into a life that appears to most as being perfect. They live in the Connecticut suburbs with two young children. Frank commutes to New York City where he works in an office job while April stays at home as a housewife. But they're not happy. April has forgone her dream of becoming an actress, and Frank hates his job - one where he places little effort - although he has never figured out what his passion in life is. One day, April suggests that they move to Paris - a city where Frank visited during the war and loved, but where April has never been - as a means to rejuvenate their life. April's plan: she would be the breadwinner, getting a lucrative secretarial job for one of the major international organizations, while Frank would have free time to find himself and whatever his passion.


It's A Wonderful Life
1946       2/5 -okay
Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed

George Bailey has spent his entire life giving of himself to the people of Bedford Falls. He has always longed to travel but never had the opportunity in order to prevent rich skinflint Mr. Potter from taking over the entire town. All that prevents him from doing so is George's modest building and loan company, which was founded by his generous father. But on Christmas Eve, George's Uncle Billy loses the business's $8,000 while intending to deposit it in the bank. Potter finds the misplaced money and hides it from Billy. When the bank examiner discovers the shortage later that night, George realizes that he will be held responsible and sent to jail and the company will collapse, finally allowing Potter to take over the town. Thinking of his wife, their young children, and others he loves will be better off with him dead, he contemplates suicide. But the prayers of his loved ones result in a gentle angel named Clarence coming to earth to help George.

Undercover Christmas
2003      3/5 -like
Lifetime movie
Jami Gert, Shawn Christian

Workaholic FBI agent Jake Cunningham fears his case against investment fraudster Scott Shift may not stick without the testimony of cocktail waitress Brandi O'Neill, who naively believed to be more then Scott's latest throwaway flirt. Jake is tricked by his ma to spend Christmas with his 'badly ill' dad, judge Joe Cunningham. Jake never visited his family in years, so he passes off Brandi as his steady date. She insists to stay, and like ma enjoys the posh - working class seasonal culture clash.

----I don't like that movie poster at all. It doesn't show their characters correctly.
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