I had a yummy dream last night. Why so yummy, you ask? A sexy man named Zac Efron. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
In other news, I bought a new dream journal and a Smash book. I've never heard of a Smash book before, it was an impulse buy, but apparently it's like a thing.
Tomorrow we're having a girls day at Grandma's. It was originally a picnic and everyone would bring their own lunch, but a few days ago we were told not to bring anything and that Grandma would take care of it. So I don't really know what's going on.
Saturday my dad is taking me mattress shopping. Hopefully that will be a success and then once my new bed is set up I feel confident that everything else in my room will fall into place.
My mattress isn't coming until Thursday so I have nothing to do in my room at this point. That doesn't stop the ideas from flowing and that is driving me crazy. The visions in my head will not stop.
I don't have anything to scrapbook right now. Again, the idea thing. I have a folder on my computer of photos that I need to send to Walgreens, but I don't exactly have everything that I need printed, and I need to wait until i have everything in order to get the sales price.
So now I'm just opening my mind to other things I can do. No I want some sort of wheelchair bag thing, so I don't always have to carry my handicap placard.
I haven't shared my commentary on entertainment news lately. We're making rape jokes now? Is that funny to people? I'm happy for Katie, for finally getting out of that contract. I don't know who Frank Ocean is, but I'm proud of him for not really making the announcement of coming out and just being who he is. Especially in the industry that he's in.
Tracy got back from Florida today. I got souvenirs, a jean purse with a working pocket on the front and a little cowboy boot.
I have three 30 day meme things that I'm thinking of doing. A photo meme that went around a while ago, a deep thought meme (which makes me nervous because I don't really share my deep thoughts that easily) and a Disney meme. Which should should I do? Or start with?
/ Random post has been random. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Tracy's back from Florida. Big Brother is now available OnDemand. So here we go.
Four past houseguests are back. They're aren't playing, but they're coaching. Dan, Britney, Janelle and Boogie. I'm not so sure why Britney is there. I mean, I love her, she's great, but she was fooled by the most obvious thing. Greatest player she is not. If I were the BB type, willing to lie and cheat and backstab, I would want Dan to be coach. He was amazing at all the deceitful stuff and that's why he's a winner. Being me, I would want Boogie as my coach. Because it really is just as much as a social game as competitions.
As a coach, I would want Frank, Wil, and JoJo. That's just first impressions.
I just read that Pride and Prejudice will be republished with "explosive sex scenes". I hate that. It's taking me a while to read P&P, but I've seen the movie enough times to know how wrong that is. The reason it's so romantic is that there are no sex scenes or much physical interaction at all. No one's going to care or understand what a huge thing it was when Darcy took Elizabeth's hand to help her into the carriage if they just had sex.
Do you remember the outrage over casting Amandla Stenberg as Rue in The Hunger Games? People were pissed off that they cast a black girl in a lead role. Completely ignoring the fact that she was described as dark skinned in the book. I guess it's easy to ignore a character's race or ethnicity when you're just reading about them. I myself have done it. I pictured Alice as a little Asian pixie when I read Twilight, it's like I just ignored her description. Now people are upset about the casting of Godfrey Gao as Magnus Bane in the City of Bones movie. Magnus is Asian American in the book, why wouldn't an Asian actor be cast? I just don't understand what is wrong with people! Speaking as a reader who was transported into the magical world of shadowhunters, I just think these racists assholes are letting this ruin the book for them.
I started reading Game of Thrones; the tv show interested me and my cousin told me to read the book. It didn't really do anything for me. It isn't bad or boring, I liked it when I would read it, but there was nothing really that got me hooked. I couldn't sit there and read this 900 page book without wanting something else to read. So I'd start another book with this sitting on my nightstand. I think I'm giving up.
Big Brother day for me. I don't understand why all the players are so concerned with what the coaches say or want. At this point at least, those four players are basically nothing in this game.I don't like that there are forced alliances, this is an individual game! You shouldn't be thinking about what your "team" wants because there are no teams! I hate veto comps because there's always all this talk about how they should and might use it, but no one ever does. No one has any guts!
As usual, Fringe and it's outstandingly terrific cast has been snubbed by the Emmys.
day 6 - A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
day 6 - Your all time favorite movie Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
day 6 - Prettiest Disney princess Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. That Summer, Sarah Dessen 2/5 -nothing special angst, coming of age, family
For fifteen-year-old Haven, life is changing too quickly. She's nearly six feet tall, her father is getting remarried, and her sister—the always perfect Ashley—is planning a wedding of her own. Haven wishes things could just go back to the way they were. Then an old boyfriend of Ashley's reenters the picture, and through him, Haven sees the past for what it really was, and comes to grips with the future.
Not really what I was expecting. It felt different than other Sarah Dessen books, it didn't follow the same formula. Mainly there was no love interest. I didn't like how nothing was resolved with her father. And the whole Sumner thing felt a bit too predictable.
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. Bitterblue, Kristin Cashore Seven Kingdoms #3 3/5 -like it adventure, fantasy, mystery, young adult
Eight years after Graceling, Bitterblue is now queen of Monsea. But the influence of her father, a violent psychopath with mind-altering abilities, lives on. Her advisors, who have run things since Leck died, believe in a forward-thinking plan: Pardon all who committed terrible acts under Leck’s reign, and forget anything bad ever happened. But when Bitterblue begins sneaking outside the castle—disguised and alone—to walk the streets of her own city, she starts realizing that the kingdom has been under the thirty-five-year spell of a madman, and the only way to move forward is to revisit the past.
Two thieves, who only steal what has already been stolen, change her life forever. They hold a key to the truth of Leck’s reign. And one of them, with an extreme skill called a Grace that he hasn’t yet identified, holds a key to her heart.
When she snuck out of her castle to explore the city, all I thought about was Princess Jasmine!
This was a good book. The concept was nice, a queen at the ripe age of 17 or so, trying to find the truth of what happened when her psychotic mind controlling father's reign as king. Trying to find the truth when everyone seems to keep the knowledge from her She just wants to find the truth and help her kingdom. It's endearing and brave.
Discovering, with Bitterblue, what Leck did....it was heartbreaking.
It did feel a bit too long at times, but I found it interesting to find out who Bitterblue trusted and how she decided when people weren't worthy of that trust.
I didn't like the drawings and swirls throughout the book, it looked rather childish to me. The book itself, once you take off the dust jacket, is beautiful. I think I want to display it rather then just stick it on a shelf.
Got an invite for m aunts 50th bday. The party isn't until September, but we got the invite maybe a week ago. I saw it for the first time today and it's a luau! My dad said nothing of a theme when he told me. I wonder if he ever would have told me. How horrible would it be to show up at a theme party wearing just any dress and boots when you should be wearing leis and sunglasses.
I bought some bras online and they were delivered the other day. They came on this sheet of cardboard with the straps up and hooked in the back, with little tissue paper boobies in them. It was one of those things where, if I had a smart phone, you'd take a picture and post it to Facebook. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
It kind of blows my mind that Kristen Stewart cheated n Rob! I don't even know what to say. The most surprising part of the whole thing isn't that she was cheated, but the public apology was just outrageous! They never publicly acknowledge that they were even a couple, and after this scandal broke she decides to further humiliate him by telling the entire world that she is madly in love with him and she's sorry. Even I know that was the wrong move and he's a complete stranger, so why didn't she know that would be the absolute last thing in the world the love of her life would want? Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
day 11 - A picture of something you hate. The anti-hero. I never understood why people want to watch/read about a bad, unlikable person. If you don't like the main character, what keeps you invested? Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
day 11 - Your biggest fear My biggest fear used to be losing the people I love. Well, I was forced to overcome that fear. I guess what I fear now is not being able to trust my own mind.
day 11 - Favorite Disney animal sidekick Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist. That's actually a toughie. I wouldn't really say I have a favorite, I have a very eclectic collection of music. There are few bands I even have complete albums from. I'm gonna go with Taylor as my fave. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
day 13 - Your thoughts on drugs and alcohol I am very above the influence. I do not tolerate drugs. There's no hope with dope, and all that. As for alcohol, I have nothing against it, but I don't drink. I don't have a real aversion to it or anything, but I have never been a drinker so I don't know what I like. The way I see it, I'm not going to buy some $10 drink at a bar that I might not even like.
day 13 - Favorite Disney outfit While searching Tumblr for an appropriate gif of Fievel and his hat... Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. ....I found out that An American Tale is NOT a Disney movie. Who knew? So Next up comes Princess Jasmine's slutty red costume Jafar makes her wear as his slave Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
I've been watching Chuck a lot lately. I really like that show a lot, still haven't seen the final season. A weird thing happens when I watch though. I enjoy watching it and there's usually an exceptionally good moment in each episode that just takes my breath away, but the show seems to go on forever. I feel like I'm sitting on the couch for more than 40 minutes and I find myself just waiting for it to end. I don't know why this is and I surely can not explain it. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
I watched this new show, Bunheads. It's the same chick who did Gilmore Girls so that got me to watch it. It was weird, but there were a few lol moments for me. It was decent enough that I'll catch the next episode, but not good enough for me to recommend it. It was very obviously an Amy Sherman-Palladino project. There were a number of times where the main girl could have been a younger Lorelai Gilmore. Except that this girl is much more annoying than Lauren Graham ever could be, I think it's her voice.
I have nothing really to say about the MTV Movie Awards other than this; OMG! THAT WAS SO UNFUNNY! My sister and I just sat there looking at each other with out eyebrows raised. I also couldn't believe that Jen Lawrence and Rob Pattinson weren't there.
I was watching Awkward last night and it was actually said that a guy should not say 'I love you' until after sex. Excuse me, but WHAT THE FUCK?! Is this how kids today think? Or is this what media is teaching them? Am I the only one who has a deeply disturbed feeling with this? Why don't we leave the gay families in the shopping catalogs alone and outrage over this?
Because I was watching Awkward last night, MTV was on when I turned on the tv today. My Super Sweet Sixteen was on. That shit is ridiculous! Who do these girl think they are? And these shows aren't helping them. These people need a reality check.
My sister asked me if I thought Big Brother controlled America's vote. Maybe the judges already entered the game, I don't know, we're not there yet. I answered her saying that I think BB controls everything. I think BB was responsible for evicting JoJo because they wanted Dan to stay in the game. If the players had any actual control and any brains in their head, they would have evicted Danielle simply because getting rid of her meant getting rid of Dan too. That would be three house guests evicted for the price of one.
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
The Iron Lady 2011 3/5 -good Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent, Alexandra Roach, Olivia Colman
Elderly and a virtual prisoner in her own home due to her concerned staff and daughter Carol, Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first woman prime minister, looks back on her life as she clears out her late husband Denis's clothes for the Oxfam shop. Denis is seen as being her rock as she first enters parliament and then runs for the leadership of the Conservative Party, culminating in her eventual premiereship. Now his ghost joins her to comment on her successes and failures, sometimes to her annoyance, generally to her comfort until ultimately, as the clothes are sent to the charity shop, Denis departs from Margret's life forever. -------------- Meryl Streep definitely deserved her Oscar.
Clark Davis adventurous dreams of seeing the world are put into jeopardy after he and a friend start a fight which damages a local cafe. Through a plea deal with the Sheriff and café owner Millie, Clark works off his sentence as a farmhand for the Barlow sisters, Ellen and Cassie. Older sister Ellen doesn't understand Cassie's friendly nature with Clark; she agreed to the Sheriffs offer only because the farm has become too much to maintain alone. Clark is slowing winning Ellen over, but suddenly suffers a traumatic head injury in a fall. After Ellen nurses him back to health, her former fiancé returns to win her back. Will Clark travel on or stay behind where love begins? ------------ This was a cute, sweet movie.I thought the summary was pretty misleading. I had no idea this was a TV movie, made just last year.
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Mulan 1998 3/5 -good Ming-Na, Eddie Murphy, BD Wong
This retelling of the old Chinese folktale is about the story of a young Chinese maiden who learns that her weakened and lame father is to be called up into the army in order to fight the invading Huns. Knowing that he would never survive the rigours of war in his state, she decides to disguise herself and join in his place. Unknown to her, her ancestors are aware of this and to prevent it, they order a tiny disgraced dragon, Mushu to join her in order to force her to abandon her plan. He agrees, but when he meets Mulan, he learns that she cannot be dissuaded and so decides to help her in the perilous times ahead. ------------------------ Yeah, my first time seeing it. They didn't even kiss at the end!?
Blue Valentine 2010 2/5 -nothing special Michelle Williams, Ryan Gosling
Dean Pereira and Cindy Heller Pereira are a young, working class married couple - Dean currently working as a painter, and Cindy working as a nurse in a medical clinic - with a young daughter named Frankie. Despite their relatively tender ages, they are both ravaged by the life they've eked out together and by the experiences they've had leading into their marriage. ------------------------- Boring and long, and why does Ryan Gosling have to look like a creepo in his movies?
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Carolina 2003 2/5 -nothing special Julia Stiles, Shirley MacLaine, Alessandro Nivola, Edward Atterton
Carolina Mirabeau was raised 'free-spirited' with two sisters by eccentric, domineering grandma Millicent in the country. Carolina's city neighbor, talented and witty Jewish author Albert Morris, is her best friend, confident and the wacky family's favorite guest. Yet she gets engaged with Heath Pierson, an 'all too perfect' upper class brilliant Britton, whom she met in the TV studio where she's fired as dating show candidates-screener. But the past and some truths catch up with all of them. ----------------------- It was too long, especially for a wimp out ending like that.
One Week 2008 1/5 -bad Joshua Jackson, Laine Balaban
Out of the blue, Ben learns he has stage IV cancer; survival, with treatment, is 10 percent. So this risk-averse, slow-to-act, quiet man buys a used motorcycle, says goodbye to Samantha, his baffled fiancée, and heads west from Toronto. He imagines it's a quest for Grumps, a mythical figure from his childhood; he takes digital photos of various "world's largest" roadside attractions; he chats with strangers, including two women; his bike slips on a dead skunk on the highway. Calls to Samantha meet with pleading that he return for treatment and anger that he won't. He doesn't want to be a patient yet. ------------------------ Just a boring movie...and ugh, that narration
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
King Arthur 2004 2/5 -nothing special Clive Owen, Ioan Gruffudd, Mads Mikkelson, Joel Edgerton, Hugh Dancy, Ray Winstone, Ray Stevenson, Keira Knightley
The film will focus on the history and politics of the period during which Arthur ruled -- when the Roman empire collapsed and skirmishes over power broke out in outlying countries ---------------- A little disappointing since it wasn't really about King Arthur, it was about Arthur and his knights.
See Jane Date 2003 1/5 -bad Charisma Caarpenter, Rachelle Lafevre, Sadie LeBlanc
Single, ambitious, magazine assistant editor Jane Grant has just received an invitation to her younger cousin's wedding, and it's engraved with two of the most dreaded words a perpetually available single can encounter: "plus guest." Come wedding day, Jane had better deliver. After all, she's already told everyone, including her meddlesome and obnoxious Aunt Ina and now-famous high school nemesis Natasha Nutley, that she's in a serious relationship. Now, Jane has two months to find a guy to fit the lie, complete the guest list, and save face. ------------ It was a little weird seeing Charisma Carpenter like this.
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Love Story 1970 3/5 -good Ali MacGraw, Ryan O'Neal
Harvard Law student Oliver Barrett IV and music student Jennifer Cavilleri share a chemistry they cannot deny - and a love they cannot ignore. Despite their opposite backgrounds, the young couple put their hearts on the line for each other. When they marry, Oliver's wealthy father threatens to disown him. Jenny tries to reconcile the Barrett men, but to no avail. Oliver and Jenny continue to build their life together. Relying only on each other, they believe love can fix anything. But fate has other plans. Soon, what began as a brutally honest friendship becomes the love story of their lives. ----------------- Spoilers. What?! I can not get over that her doctor just straight up lied to her. And then went behind her back and told her husband she was dying.
W.E. 2011 1/5 -bad Abbie Cornish, Andria Riseborough, James D'Arcy, Richard Coyle
In 1998, an auction of the estate of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor causes great excitement. For one woman, Wally Winthrop, it has much more meaning. Wally becomes obsessed by their historic love story. ------------------ I didn't actually watch this. I watched maybe 20 minutes. It was bad, it was boring, it was confusing. I didn't know who was who or what time period I was watching.
I watched this show about mermaids on the Discovery channel. Claiming that they actually exist, and have been seen and tested, and the Navy is trying to kill them off before the public discovers their existence. Now I believe mermaids are real, and I have no problem accepting that the military is trying to cover it up. But I'm having a difficult time contemplating why. The said that we, as humans, wouldn't be able to deal with these other people type things and that we would be threatened by that. Why do these scientists think that this is true. Even if they are right about human nature, which I have no doubt if true, there is no reason to think that mermaids are any threat. They don't have a mermaid or a mermaid brain to study, why do they even think that mermaids are capable the way humans are? Now I didn't watch this entire YouTube video, but it looks like the tv show. Except for the main point, I thought, which was the kid's video of it. I actually gasped and jumped back when I saw it. I wondered if it was for real. I still don't really have a real opinion about it. It would have been more convinced of it, I guess, if the video was more grainy and low quality, the way a cell phone video from 2006 should have been.
I was watching this show called Our America with Lisa Ling, it was about this 17 year old boy who was accused of molesting a 10 year old girl. He went to jail for 20 years or whatever and now is out and on the life long sexual offense registry. The whole show gave this pity party feeling. Like this guy may or may not have done this and now he has to be on this list the rest of his life. I didn't really get it. Was I supposed to feel sad for him? Because I don't. Not one bit.
Is it weird for a 25 year old woman to spend her afternoon looking at collectable Barbie dolls? Because that's what I did. The Barbies they make are pretty unbelievable. Celebrity Barbies, 'Around the World' Barbies, pop culture Barbies, designer Barbies. I was looking through them and marveling at the gorgeous gowns and giggling at the Hollywood names; when I saw one that I wanted. Well, okay there were a lot that I wanted, but I actually kind of squeed when I saw Rose Dewitt-Bukater. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
day 22 - A picture you're tagged in on Facebook that you aren't actually in. "That wasn't me that was alter ego. That wasn't me that was Johnny Rockets." Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
day 22 - Bravest Disney princess I find it impossible not to say Mulan. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. Insurgent by Veronica Roth (sequel to Divergent) 1/5 -bad adventure, dystopia, young adult
One choice can transform you--or it can destroy you. But every choice has consequences, and as unrest surges in the factions all around her, Tris Prior must continue trying to save those she loves--and herself--while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love.
Tris's initiation day should have been marked by celebration and victory with her chosen faction; instead, the day ended with unspeakable horrors. War now looms as conflict between the factions and their ideologies grows. And in times of war, sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge, and choices will become even more irrevocable--and even more powerful. Transformed by her own decisions but also by haunting grief and guilt, radical new discoveries, and shifting relationships, Tris must fully embrace her Divergence, even if she does not know what she may lose by doing so.
I thought it started pretty slow. I didn't really feel in to it, and didn't feel the characters much. It's a fast read though, and I quickly found myself 200 pages deep.
320 pages in, and there's still no connection to the story for me. It's slow and boring. I don't like any of the characters either. I don't remember particularly liking them in the first book, but now I think I actually dislike them.
It was pretty predictable in my opinion. I have no desire to read the next book.
I spent about an hour this morning in that wonderful place between sleep and waking. I think Peter Pan might have been there.
I've learned how to wake myself up from nightmares. I haven't cracked lucid dreaming, and honestly I'm not sure if I want to, but I find that when I find myself in a nightmare I can tell myself that it's just a dream.
There is a movie that always makes me happy and truly tugs at my heart strings. Penelope is a cute little fairy tale; about a girl (the great Christina Ricci) born cursed with a pig nose. The only way to break the curse is for one of her own (a blue blood) to love her for who she is. Her mother (the wonderful Catherine O'Hara) is deeply embarrassed by her daughter's nose and locks her away. Not in a dungeon or anything, but she doesn't leave the house. She hires a match-maker for her daughter to find the blue blood to break the curse, but they all run away upon seeing her. That is, until Max (James McAvoy), and she's the one who runs. With all her emotions stirred by him and all the frustration, she wants to find her independence and she runs away. Living life, and hiding her nose, then just being who she is in front of the public, it's really a story about self discovery and loving yourself for who you are. The last scene is so magical to me and I can't even explain why. I don't even know why, but it feels like my heart is going to pump out of my chest.
My cousin, Jessica, tried to convice me of 50 Shades of Grey earlier this year. She told me it was orgasmic and I had to read it. I didn't read it, and it was just kind of forgotten. Molly came over Friday, and pulled the second book out of her bag. She tried to convince me, too. We were both making fun of Jessica for reading and recommending porn, but I guess Molly gave in. lol She told me she couldn't put it down and for her, that's saying a lot. She thinks I should read it now, too. Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
I can't believe what Miley Cyrus did to her hair. I get it, she's still trying to rebel against Hannah Montana and she's trying to shock people. That was a huge mistake for her and she is going to regret it. She had such beautiful hair, and it m ight be a cute, edgy cut, but you don't just chop it all off like that when you have such gorgeous hair. And she's getting married soon! Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
I decided to read Catching Fire again. With all the casting news for the movie, I can not place any character names. I'm not sure it really matters either, but I don't remember. I remember Johanna and Finnick. P.S. I got Catching Fire as a gift, I found the gift reciept in the pages. From 2010. Just opened my own copy for the first time Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
This past weekend my Dad and brother went to Cincinatti for the Cubs/Reds series. It sounds like a complete bore to me.
So with the house empty, Molly and Joe came over Friday night to play games. Jake also said he was coming, but I didn't count on him and he didn't show. I texted him and he said he was on his way, but then like 20 mintues later he texted me back that he thought I was at Portillos..idk what was with him. I found out that Joe is very competative and somewhat of a cheater.I also found out Joe's middle name. Molly scolded him using his full name and I laughed; he told Molly that I wasn't supposed to know. It's Leonard! haha..how dorky!
Saturday Aunt Kathy came over. I think she was concerned about me being home alone; even though I'm an adult. So we watched some stupid movie that was OnDemand. It made her feel better to come over and know that everything was okay, and I was fine with that.